About Luis

My name is Luis Rosario, and I am a massage therapist with 12 years of experience in Vermont. I studied massage under Mark Adams and Nico Persade at Touchstone Healing Arts, and graduated in 2013. Since then, I've worked as a massage therapist at Laura Ramirez' Family Chiropractic in Burlington, Vermont, and take on clients via my personal practice, Grounded Massage Therapy. 

I am a huge anatomy nerd! I have been passionate about body mechanics, strength building, posture, proprioception and ergonomics throughout my career. My therapeutic massage modalities include: deep tissue, sports massage, pin and stretch/active release, and myofascial massage. I've worked extensively with a range of clients – people who are simply looking for rest and recovery, to people experiencing chronic pain, or those recovering from injury. I also have experience working with people who have muscle or motor disabilities. I offer home visits in across Washington, Chittenden, and Lamoille counties in Vermont, and am available for retreats or corporate employee bookings.